Desert Sapphire – Part II
I mentioned in the previous segment that water cooling parts were on their way. The first order from Performance-PCs arrived the day after Thanksgiving — ...
I mentioned in the previous segment that water cooling parts were on their way. The first order from Performance-PCs arrived the day after Thanksgiving — ...
The time has come to introduce another build project, this one being a client build. All of the primary hardware has been purchased and I’m just waiting o...
So the system has been up and running for about a week now, so it’s time for a follow-up on how the system is performing. Temperatures First I couldn̵...
EK got back to me pretty quickly on my inquiry. The screws in question that I’d need are M3x10 DIN 7991. They even offered to mail me a set if I couldn...
First order of business after getting the rack completed was moving everything into it. Three chassis (4U and 2x2U), two radiator panels (3U each), and a surge ...
First I’ll say up front that I love quiet fans. They tend to not move the greatest amount of air, but quiet is always a nice compromise in my opinion. I m...
In going to Micro Center, I picked up a pair of Swiftech extension fittings and seated them. While a little tight, I was actually able to seat the tubing withou...
In figuring out how to tube up the mainboard, I half felt like I didn’t know what I was doing given how much I tried to change up things. Friday night I s...
I wasn’t done with the mainboard yet. After the last segment, I started with preparing the EK Supremacy EVO block. The backplate was first, then I made th...
Not long after publishing the last part to this series, I decided to test whether I could get four graphics cards recognized through the USB plugs. The fourth c...
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